Public Art

Word Travels Annual Sidewalk Poetry Contest - Supported by the Mitch Major Memorial Fund

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About the project

In collaboration with the Germantown Community Library, and Germantown Parks & Recreation, the Germantown Public Art Commission announces Word Travels, an annual sidewalk poetry contest. New, aspiring, or professional writers of any age, living or working in Germantown, can submit a poem or song lyric of up to 150 words. Poems should be unique and must not use copyrighted materials. The inaugural contest theme is Nature. 

A selection committee made up of literary professionals, library staff, and community representatives will select five finalists and three semifinalists. Winners will receive a $250 award and their poems will be installed on sidewalks in city parks and along trail systems starting in the summer of 2021. 

This project creates a unique opportunity for citizens of Germantown to participate in the city’s new public art program through a project that celebrates public spaces and the literary arts.

Should you have questions please contact Cat Peña, the Public Art Manager for the City of Germantown at:


This project is a collaboration:

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About the Mitch Major Memorial Fund


The Word Travels - Mitch Major Memorial Fund was established in 2021 in memory of highly esteemed GPAC board member and City of Germantown resident Mitch Major, whose fondness for literature shaped his entire life. 

The Mitch Major Memorial Fund will be dedicated to sustaining Word Travels - an annual sidewalk poetry contest inspired by Mitch’s love for the literary arts, his passion for lifelong learning, and the joy he took sharing his discoveries in the world of the written word.

Poetry submissions will be judged each year, and selected works will be etched or stamped on city trails and park sidewalks, creating a wonderful chance for folks to serendipitously come across a piece of writing that might give them pause to think, imagine, laugh, or simply feel. With the opportunity for community-wide participation, including school-age children, the selected poems will eventually become a treasure trove of Germantown expression about all manner of things—including love, loss, friendship, nature, culture, and history. 

To Donate:

Or mail your donation to:

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Upcoming Contest:

Poetry Resources:

The Germantown Community Library The circulating collection at the Germantown Community Library has a large selection of poetry books for all ages.

April is National Poetry Month ( This site includes virtual tips for librarians and educators

The Poetry Learning Lab from the Poetry Foundation - The learning lab is a great source of knowledge, including a glossary of poetry terms, links to public domain poems, and inspiring essays on poetry from writers and educators.

Light Seekers

Title: Light Seekers (2020) 

Artist: Melissa Bridgman 

Medium: Concrete Stamp 

Produced by the Germantown Public Art Commission

Artist’s Statement

GPAC 2020

When approached with designing a motif for the walkway at GPAC’s new outdoor space, I immediately began doodling in my sketchbook with a focus on the native plants, animals, and insects of the Wolf River floodplain. Highlighting the quiet beauty and ecological importance of native species has been an underlying current of my work in ceramics and in my family’s life.

Because I have been a beekeeper off an on for about ten years, I was drawn to interconnecting hexagons as a background grid for my design. It was a fairly simple way to lay out a pattern, and it provided a built-in framework for the concrete specialists who would be completing the design. After playing with and rejecting multiple leaf and avian images because of their complexity, I considered the space, its use, and the wildlife that would be attracted to the space while in use. As they often do, my thoughts turned to moths.

Moths are quietly beautiful. Unlike the more popular butterflies, they aren’t as flamboyantly colored or universally beloved. Instead, moths blend in with their surroundings until a discerning eye seeks them out. Their subtle exterior wings give way to astounding geometry and color once their inner wings open. Moths are primarily creatures of darkness. They are unnoticed during the day but are irresistibly drawn to the light, whether that light be white flowers in a garden or the streetlights on a dark night. I refer to them in my work as “light seekers”, always there, always looking. It is a reminder for me to look for the good during troubled times. As the grove is an outdoor performance space, lighting warm nights with vibrant performances, moths will literally be drawn to to the lights of the stage as the artists draw people to view their performances.

The two moths in this pattern are based on TN natives. The Virgin Tiger Moth (grammia virgo), a species which can be found everywhere from my front porch in midtown Memphis to the evening lights of shops in Germantown. The smaller moth, the Grape Leaf-folder (desmia funeralis) is a small but strikingly graphic insect that is also native to our area but is less common. It was my hope to create a subtle but graphic design that will lead patrons into the performance space, blending the seam between indoors and out, and to spread the message of light seekers into the world.

About the Artist

Melissa Bridgman: Bridgman Pottery

719 Dickinson St. Memphis TN 38107.

901 493 0901.


Salem College, 1997 BA History, American Studies
University of Mississippi 1999 MA Southern Studies
Studied with ceramicist Diana Fayt, 2010, 2012, 2013

Teaching Experience

2018, 2019 Floral ceramics class at Dixon Gallery and Gardens
2017-2019 quarterly hand building ceramics classes for Me & Mrs Jones
2015-2019, 2006-2009 Memphis Brooks Museum of Art: Arts Basic Curriculum


2001-2005 Children’s Pottery Instructor, City of Germantown TN
2001-2004 Children’s Sculpture Instructor, Memphis College of Art Community

Education Summer programs
2001-2003 Teaching Artist, Greater Memphis Arts Council Center for Arts Education

Exhibitions and Juried Events

May 2019 Eclectic Eye, Still Life (with Debi Vincent)
November 2017- Eclectic Eye, Clouds (with Martha Kelly)
2017, 2018, 2019 Memphis Maker Market (curated by Muddy’s Bake Shop)
2017, 2019, 2020 Fancy Little Flea, Germantown TN
April 2016 -Eclectic Eye, Sea and Stone paintings and ceramics Memphis TN
October 2015, May 8-10 2014 Urban Barn Market, Memphis- juried art, vintage, and antiques market
2011 St. George’s Independent School Bee Work bee-centered mishima on porcelain

Related Work

2020 public art, Onward, Choices Memphis
2019, 2020 Stamped concrete project, Light Seekers, GPAC
2018, 2019 Designed and produced custom work for Dixon Gallery and Garden
2013 Designed and produced restaurant ware for Tart, a french pâtisserie -Memphis, TN
2012-2014 founded and co-led women’s artists mentoring group in Memphis, TN

Publications ( )

September 2017, RSVP Magazine
February 2015 Memphis Magazine
January 2015 Memphis Magazine
Spring 2011 Edible Memphis
February 2011 Memphis Commercial Appeal
January 2011 Southern Living

Melissa Bridgman is an alumna of Salem College in Winston Salem, NC, where received her degree in History and American studies. During this period, she spent three semesters interning and exploring the collections of the Reynolda House Museum of Art and the Museum of Southern Decorative Arts, enriching her love of art, pattern, printmaking, fine textiles and ceramics, and the folk traditions of North Carolina. She holds a Master's in Southern Studies from the University of Mississippi, where she studied documentary fieldwork, art history, self taught and folk art. Melissa has been a teaching artist with the Memphis Brooks Museum and the Greater Memphis Arts Council. A full-time potter, she also teaches ceramics workshops for adults in Memphis. She spends her time in her garden and studio with her family in her midtown home.

Visual Arts Exhibition

GPAC celebrates the visual arts by exhibiting artwork by emerging and professional artists from around the region.


on view March 10 Through May 5

Ankur Gupta

The WOnders of nature


Ankur Gupta


Ankur Gupta

Visual Arts Exhibitions are sponsored by:



Patty Cooper
Visual Arts Coordinator


The gallery in the Patrick Lawton Lobby is free and open to the public during normal business hours and on days of performances.